
Dave Barnett Sr.

Cuba, Missouri, USA
Member since April 7th, 2008
I'm just an ole country boy who loves good fishin'

General Info

I enjoy fishing and hunting and doing woodworking. My Son Dave Jr. and I recently completed our first homemade boat. A pic of us in it is my icon.
Favorite Fish to Catch
Catfish and pan fish
Favorite Type of Fishing
Open face spinning
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Good ole Worm and an occasional Crapie jig
Fishing Rods
Off the rack but with good action

I recently found an older Garcia Mitchell 300 on a Wright and McGill handmade rod.
Fishing Reels
My fave is an old Mitchell
Fishing Techniques
Cast out a worm or some liver and wait for them ole cats or pan fish
Favorite Fishing Spot
I found a great private lake about 10 miles from the house.
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Dave Barnett Sr.'s Latest Reports

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My son Dave Jr. and I went fishing on the Gasconade River at the Jerome MO access. We had a great day and caught a lot of fish. Most of our catch was small carp and sunfish. We caught a few nice bluegill and we each landed a big drum that was a lot of fun in the catching.

Posted 14 years ago

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My son Dave Jr. and I went fishing March 8th 2010. I caught my first fish of the year. It was a nice perch. Not too big but it was a great moral booster after all the months of cold and snow. The trip was more of a scouting session checking out Shawnee Mac lakes. Both lakes look to have great promise and we will be hitting them again in the near future.

Posted 15 years ago

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Dave Jr. and I went on a trip to my brothers Lake in Aug. of 09. We caught some nice bass and bluegill and a few crappie.

Posted 15 years ago

A friend of mine reported that they have been catching some nice fish out of the tavern creek close to St. Elizabeth MO. Dave Jr. and I are going to give this a whirl.

Posted 15 years ago

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dave_b Rankings

Current Rank:

With 66 Total Points

Previous Ranks Achieved:

  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
  • Largemouth Rank
  • Smallmouth Rank
  • Panfish Rank
  • Rainbow Trout Rank
  • Brook Trout Rank
  • Baitfish Rank

How are ranks determined?

Below is where we list statistics for the number of reviews, comments, message board posts, etc. that this user has posted on all the Fish Finder sites. The higher total overall points a user has, the higher the user's ranking.

Total Trips: 4

Total Photos: 28

Total Hotspots: 3

Total Trip Reviews: 0

Total Trip Comments: 0

Total Location Reviews: 0

Total Location Comments: 0

Total Locations Added: 0

Total Locations Edited: 0

Total Message Board Posts: 27

Total Species Comments: 0

Total Species Recipes: 4

Total Species Edited: 0

Total Amenities Added: 0

Total Amenities Edited: 0

Total Overall Points: 66

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