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"Get Hooked on Arkansas"

Alligator Gar Comments

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User: regan91
Comment: Im going down to Pensacola soon for A-school. Hope I catch a few.
Date: 07/24/12 11:11 AM

User: anglerman17
Comment: real cool freshwater beast
Date: 05/12/12 08:54 AM

User: shawn123
Comment: for proof that this beast is aggressive towards people watch the River Monsters episode about gator gar, even small specimens are dangerous!
Date: 09/18/11 08:16 PM

User: cero222
Comment: I think this fish is now endangered in Kentucky. In fact if you catch or see one you might want to report it to DNR
Date: 03/10/10 12:27 PM

User: kevdd
Comment: i caught one in lake tarpon in tarpon springs florida a few years ago incredible fight
Date: 10/08/09 04:18 PM

User: brettinbrookline
Comment: I hope I can catch one in my life time. Nasty looking fish.
Date: 08/13/09 11:49 AM

User: deadmanstaxi
Comment: there is a REAL BIG gator gar in the dam run off at ovlerholster. i got a line on it and bent and broke my 12 ft pole. and that wasnt no cheap one either. this is the 2nd time ive seen that fish do that. it runs deep down and wont bite on a hook. it happened one my line(mono) and 2 min later my pole and line was broke. someone get that fish for me, i wont go out there much more, sence the city changed the landscape out there now thats all thats bite'n.
Date: 08/08/08 05:40 PM

User: ezzej
Comment: gars like to eat dead crows and cut carp or cut mullet
Date: 05/06/08 06:34 PM

User: ezzej
Comment: The hard, ganoid scales on alligator gars protect them like a suit of armor. Some Native American Indians used the scales as arrowheads, and for adornment on their tribal dress. Although rare, ganoid scales are still being used as jewelry today
Date: 05/04/08 02:31 PM

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