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"Get Hooked on Arkansas"

Tiger Muskellunge Comments

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User: baystateangler
Comment: These fish are so cool but are so rare and hard to find around here. Hopefully I can catch one one day!
Date: 04/27/15 07:20 PM

User: scfp
Comment: Massachusetts discontinued stocking Tiger Muskies in 2004 or 2005 - for budgetary reasons, what else is new, huh - so in the lakes where they are found (a list is available on the MA F&G site) these fish can be caught until the last one is taken, or dies of 'old age'. But they do live as long as 20 years, so some of the stocked waters may have Tigers for maybe 13 or 14 more years.

Good luck to anyone fishing for them. I took one while fishing for bass in Lake Cochituate, Natick, back in the late 1980's - it was about 1" less than the legal length of 28" - so I had to put it back & watch it swim away. That's been my sole experience with Tiger Muskies in MA.
Date: 08/14/12 12:08 PM

User: e-held
Comment: Just mover here from Minnesota I noticed the last time this pond was stocked was back in 2001. Are there still tiger musk. in the pond? Thanks, I'm looking to pull'em out through the ice.
Date: 11/10/10 04:17 PM

User: truckie45
Comment: I am looking to fish for these babies this summer. I found a great spot, just hope they bite.
Date: 02/26/10 03:45 PM

User: wgpjim
Comment: I have a buddy who pulled one out on a banjo minnow , I hear they lover em
Date: 05/07/09 08:53 AM

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