Wachusett Res Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 8 Reviews

Muskie Adventure Tours "Farewell To The Chu."

I must say goodbye to the Res for a couple months or on Special requests.
This is no reflection upon the luck and Fish I caught or was apart of, She gave it up this Spring and I am sure that she is not finished.

Early Dark Thirty is upon us and we are all in the water, myself, DR, Aaron and Guy, couple of other people came and went, but just us for the most part. I have moved my spot to the left about 15 ft this year and it has paid off just nice, even my brother, who even moved farther over, killed them, we seemed to be just far enough out and over to miss the weed line.

5:20 am and I have my first trip of the rig, line goes 5 ft and stops, I know this trick, this has Smallie written all over it. I pick up my Rod and wait, then the wait was over, line peels out and I get the line tight and say Hello to my Smallie, nice fish and great fight, not quite 4lbs, I will never complain, again on a Pike shinna.

Slow morning after that, trips about one every 40 mins maybe, slow, but we are at the Res. Around 7:30 just after changing my bait, the rig goes off and out then stops, seems to me the Smallies are in and the Lakers are out, line moves out, I set the hook and my drag goes ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ and the next sound was NOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRR. Felt the hook come right on out, dam, dam, dam.

After kicking myself the rocks and rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I get over it and hope for one more chance, which I did get and take full advantage of, thanks for the shinner DR, hahahahaha, u were correct, I did catch another one hahahaha

9 am, just me and Aaron, picking up our rods, in fact, I was reeling the first one in and I see the line screaming out on my other rod, this is acting like a Laker all day, set the hook, zzzzzz, and wella, 4lb Laker, time to go.

Thanks again for a great spring, hell I even caught a Splake (male brookie and female laker) this year.

Here is the reason I am leaving her alone:

The Carp are in the RIVER!!!!!!!

I say no more


  • Added By: muskiebigfish on 04/28/14 06:34 PM
  • Also There: dr redrock
  • Location: Wachusett Res
  • Report Date: 4/27/2014
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 3
  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Learn more about Wachusett Res fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Photos

... muskiebigfish posted in MA
... muskiebigfish posted in MA
... muskiebigfish posted in MA

Report Catches

Farewell to the Chu. Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Lake Trout
  • Bait Type: Live Bait (Other) Check Prices
  • Bait Details: Pike shinners, again
  • Location Details: raw and rainy

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  • You gave her a good run this year. I'll have to put in some special requests for Chu trips this summer.

  • awesome job!!!!!
    she will miss you!

    i need to get back there havent been since opening weekend!!!!!

  • you make it look too easy! thanks again for taking me out.

  • Nice job musky! I might give her one more try on Friday.

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