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"Get Hooked on Arkansas"

MS Sportsman

Group Info:

Name:  MS Sportsman


For all anglers interesting in the Mississippi outdoors.


The rain is finally over and Fall is here! Go fishing!!!


Chuck Bado

Christopher grandmaison

Sherry Dubuque

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09/30/09 12:31 PM
Please Folks! This is just a place for all of us to post similar to a forum. Just feel free to add whatever you think will interest others. Good way to get points as well and complete your profile. Just about anything to do with fishing is welcome!

06/26/09 02:15 PM
And for you basser's out there!
Wondered about the summertime night fishing and not sure how to go about it?
The easiest way to insure a productive evening until you learn your lake well enuff to get into the timber(and out of it!) safely, is to fish a well populated lake. What I mean by this is try fishing one of our lakes that have a lot of development with lots of docks. The dock owners will usually add brush piles and often lights to attract fish to thier docks. If there are white bass or crappie in the lake even better! Try using a 1/4oz chrome rattle trap for the bass and keep a light rig with white or yellow curly tail grubs(small!) for the carppie and whites. I have had many an awesome evening doing this and often ended up out all night(watch out for irate wives!). Hit the lighted docks hard but don't neglect to run the rattle trap by the dark ones as well. Bass usually like to sit under the docks at the corners so I'll try the first cast runnung across the front as I come in, then work it catty corner off the sides. Run a couple of casts straight down each side the if it is a lit dock out comes the grubs. Some docks you might catch one or two and others spend a half hour at and fill the livewell. Either way I promise you will catch enuff to make the evening interesting and it sure beats foaming the water in the 100 degree dog days. Just remember to respect owners property and try to stay quiet and not disturb folks trying to rest. Also good advice as sound travels very well in water and at night! Good fishing!!

06/26/09 02:14 PM
And for you basser's out there!
Wondered about the summertime night fishing and not sure how to go about it?
The easiest way to insure a productive evening until you learn your lake well enuff to get into the timber(and out of it!) safely, is to fish a well populated lake. What I mean by this is try fishing one of our lakes that have a lot of development with lots of docks. The dock owners will usually add brush piles and often lights to attract fish to thier docks. If there are white bass or crappie in the lake even better! Try using a 1/4oz chrome rattle trap for the bass and keep a light rig with white or yellow curly tail grubs(small!) for the carppie and whites. I have had many an awesome evening doing this and often ended up out all night(watch out for irate wives!). Hit the lighted docks hard but don't neglect to run the rattle trap by the dark ones as well. Bass usually like to sit under the docks at the corners so I'll try the first cast runnung across the front as I come in, then work it catty corner off the sides. Run a couple of casts straight down each side the if it is a lit dock out comes the grubs. Some docks you might catch one or two and others spend a half hour at and fill the livewell. Either way I promise you will catch enuff to make the evening interesting and it sure beats foaming the water in the 100 degree dog days. Just remember to respect owners property and try to stay quiet and not disturb folks trying to rest. Also good advice as sound travels very well in water and at night! Good fishing!!

06/26/09 01:59 PM
Well we aren't exactly flourishing here are we? A little more action and this could get going. A summer tip for the coast anglers here!
Try using live shrimp under a popping cork with about a foot of line and tossing right up close to the grass as close as you can get. Good for reds bigtime and often flounder as well. Even the occasional spec. Try it next time and see how it works!

05/25/09 03:03 PM
Welcome all! This site is open to all outdoorsmen who wish to experience what ole miss has to offer and share it with others! Here's to great days in the great outdoors!!

Just have fun!
Chuck B

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Date Established:
May 25, 2009

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