Black Drum Details

  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Pogonias Cromis
  • Common Names: Texas Drum, Sea Drum, Saltwater Drum, Gray Drum, Drumfish, Tambor
  • Water Temp: 70-75 degrees
  • World Record: 113lbs 1oz Delaware
  • Last Modified By: bassprochuck on 06/03/09 10:42 PM
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Baits and Tackle for Black Drum

Shrimp Bait Check Prices

  • Dead shrimp/Blue crab fished on bottom.
  • Dead shrimp on bottom

Black Drum Description

The black drum is a chunky, high-backed fish with many barbels or whiskers under the lower jaw. Younger fish have four or five dark vertical bars on their sides but these disappear with age. The bellies of older fish are white but coloration of backs and sides can vary greatly. Fish from Gulf waters frequently lack color and are light gray or silvery. Those living in muddy bay waters have dark gray or bronze-colored backs and sides. Some are solid silvery gray or jet black. A length of six inches is reached in the first year, 12 inches the second and 16 inches the third. Increases of about two inches per year occur after that. The largest black drum on record weighed 146 pounds. The Texas record taken by a sport angler is 78 pounds but most bull drum caught weigh 30 to 40 pounds. (Source

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